MiSight® 1 day 每日即棄兒童近視控制隱形眼鏡
讓MiSight® 1 day隱形眼鏡成為控制孩子近視的首選
MiSight® 1 day每日即棄兒童近視控制隱形眼鏡,是全球唯一及首個獲美國FDA認證的軟性隱形眼鏡*† ,證實從8至12歲開始使用,有效減緩近視加深。1 佩戴MiSight® 隱形眼鏡時,孩子可以體驗清晰的視力,擺脫傳統有框眼鏡束縛,繼續享受他們喜歡的活動。1,2,3

- MiSight® 1 day使用的ActivControl® Technology具有雙重作用,既能提供清晰視野,又能有助控制近視加深速度1
- MiSight® 1 day有針對兒童使用軟性隱形眼鏡最長時間的研究支持(7年)1,4,5
- 有效減慢近視加深速度約50%6¶
- 90%近視患者均有效4§
- 大多數兒童在隨後一次的年度眼科檢查中發現毋需佩戴更高度數的眼鏡1,7||

- 9/10兒童更喜愛佩戴MiSight® 1 day隱形眼鏡而非有框眼鏡8
- 即使年幼如8歲兒童也能有信心地自行佩戴及脫下MiSight® 1 day隱形眼鏡8
- 85%兒童表示佩戴MiSight® 1 day隱形眼鏡相當容易8

- 根據469位佩戴MiSight® 1 day隱形眼鏡超過一年的患者,其臨床研究紀錄所得沒有出現任何嚴重不良事故9,10
- 超過六年時間驗證,99%患者進行裂隙燈檢查後,均為第一級或以下9#
- MiSight® 1 day為每日即棄隱形眼鏡,毋需清洗或貯存
* Compared to a single vision 1 day lens over a 3-year period.
† As of March 2023. U.S. Indications for Use: MiSight® 1 day (omafilcon A) Soft (Hydrophilic) Contact Lenses for daily wear are indicated for the correction of myopic ametropia and for slowing the progression of myopia in children with non-diseased eyes, who at the initiation of treatment are 8–12 years of age and have a refraction of 0.75 to 4.00 dioptres (spherical equivalent) with ≤0.75 dioptres of astigmatism. The lens is to be discarded after each removal.
¶ Using measured and modelled data, pooled across ages (8–17 years), MiSight® 1 day slowed myopia progression by an average of approximately 50%.
§ 90% of myopic eyes respond to MiSight® 1 day treatment; ages 11–15 years at start of wear, n=90.
|| No clinically meaningful change in refractive error (<0.25D from baseline) in years 1–3 of the MiSight® 1 day clinical study.
# Bio-microscopy used 0–4 grading scale
1 Chamberlain P et al. A 3-year randomized clinical trial of MiSight lenses for myopia control. Optom Vis Sci. 2019;96(8):556-7.
2 Sulley A, et al. Wearer experience and subjective responses with dual focus compared to spherical, single vision soft contact lenses in children during a 3-year clinical trial. Poster presented at AAO 2019, San Francisco, Calif.
3 Chamberlain P, et al, Further comparison of myopia progression in new and established myopia control treatment (MiSight® 1 day) groups. Presentation at BCLA 2019, Manchester, England.
4 Chamberlain P et al. Long-term effect of dual-focus contact lenses on myopia progression in children: a 6-year multicenter clinical trial. Optom Vis Sci. 2022;99(3):204-12.
5 Chamberlain P et al. Myopia progression on cessation of dual-focus contact lens wear: MiSight 1 day 7-year findings. Optom Vis Sci. 2021;98(E-abstract):210049.
6 Arumugam B et al. Modelling age effects of myopia progression for the Misight 1 day clinical trial. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021;62(8):2333.
7 CVI data on file 2021 [MiSight® 1 day data analysis from MIST 401 clinical trial].
8 Sulley A et al. Wearer experience and subjective responses with dual focus compared to spherical, single vision soft contact lenses in children. Optom Vis Sci. 2019;96(E-abstract):195252.
9 Woods J et al. Ocular health of children wearing daily disposable contact lenses over a 6-year period. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2021;44(4):101391.
10 CVI data on file, 2022.