- CooperVision®突破性的漸進多焦點技術Binocular Progressive SystemTM 擁有3個附加度數, 讓不同程度的老花人士都可以享受清晰的視力1
- 簡單而高效的驗配指南,98%成功使用不多於兩對試鏡驗配合適鏡片2
- 與市面上其他多焦點隱形眼鏡相比, 當您驗配MyDay漸進多焦點隱形眼鏡時,老花人士會享受到無與倫比的近和遠距離的視力,迎接美好的一天3
MyDay®每日即棄漸進多焦點鏡片採用 Aquaform® Technology技術,該技術在高透氧性、高含水量和最佳模數之間取得獨特的平衡,使鏡片柔軟而有彈性。這些特點提供無與倫比的舒適度、柔軟度和出色的掌握度。
CooperVision® Binocular Progressive System™
CooperVision®突破性的漸進多焦點技術Binocular Progressive SystemTM 擁有3個附加度數, 讓不同程度的老花人士都可以享受清晰的視力5。
Product Details
-10.50D to -12.00D (0.50D steps)
Med (+1.50D to +1.75D spectacle Rx add)
High (+2.00D to +2.50D spectacle Rx add)
-10.50D to -12.00D (0.50D一級)
Med (+1.50D to +1.75D 眼鏡附加度數)
High (+2.00D to +2.50D 眼鏡附加度數)
CVI data on file 2020. Prospective, double-masked, bilateral, 1-week dispensing study with MyDay daily disposable multifocal; n=104 habitual MFCL wearers.][clariti 1 day multifocal REF: CVI data on file 2021. Prospective, double-masked, bilateral, one-week dispensing study with clariti® 1 day multifocal 3 add; with ratings from 85 to 89 out of 100; n=90 habitual MFCL wearers.
CVI data on file 2020. Prospective, double-masked, bilateral, one-week dispensing study UK with MyDay® multifocal; n=104 habitual multifocal contact lens wearers; CVI data on file 2021. Prospective, subject-masked, randomized, bilateral, two-week dispensing study at 5 US sites with MyDay® multifocal; n=58 habitual multifocal contact lens wearers.
CVI data on file 2021. Prospective, subject-masked, randomized, bilateral, two-week cross-over dispensing study at 5 US sites with MyDay® multifocal and the subject's habitual, optimized multifocal contact lenses; n=58.
CVI data on file 2020. Prospective, double-masked, randomized, bilateral, one-week cross-over dispensing study with MyDay® multifocal and 1 DAY ACUVUE® MOIST MULTIFOCAL; n=104 habitual MFCL wearers.
CVI data on file 2020. Prospective, double-masked, bilateral, 1-week dispensing study with MyDay daily disposable multifocal; n=104 habitual MFCL wearers.]